Bill's Priorities

Women's Rights to Autonomy
Women's health care is family health. Decisions made between a woman and her physician must be honored. Bodily autonomy is precious and is no concern of the government.

Affordable Healthcare for All
Expanding KanCare is a commonsense solution to provide health care to 100,000 Kansans, mostly children.

Funding Public Schools
The future of Kansas is dependent upon a strong public education system. Bill is devoted to ensuring the support of education, from early pre-K to post-high school degrees, to technical education to advanced degrees. The cost of advanced education must be contained.
Where is House District 117?

This map of District 117 was first used in the 2022 election cycle.
Our campaign will make every effort to canvass across the district. We want to meet you, hear from you, and make informed decisions about how to best represent the diverse interests across this 30-mile stretch! The 117 stretches from east to west, through Shawnee, Lenexa, DeSoto, and Eudora.